How a water treatment system can increase a home’s value - Aqua Finance

How a water treatment system can increase a home’s value

August is Water Quality Month, a reminder of why a reliable water treatment system is a great investment for homeowners. It not only provides access to clean, safe water, it can also positively impact property value.

We all need access to clean tap water and ensuring its availability may help increase a home’s value when it comes time to sell. Not only is it important to have safe, pleasant-tasting drinking water, but there are several drawbacks to using hard water that contains certain minerals.

With 85 percent of Americans living in hard water zones, having a pre-installed water treatment system that addresses both water quality and hardness is a strong selling point for any home.1

Here are five key benefits that installing a water filtration system provides to prospective home buyers:

1. Safe drinking water

While the U.S. Environmental Protection Association sets legal limits on over 90 contaminants in drinking water,2 municipalities do not test water accessed from private wells. There’s a risk, therefore, that well water may contain bacteria or other suspected contaminants that a water filtration system can remove.

2. Cleaner dishes

A water filtration system that softens water makes it easier for dish detergent to remove dirt and grease. It can also help prevent sticky residue on dishes and spots that minerals can leave on glassware.3

3. Improved laundry

Soft, filtered water can help save money on cleaning products as it requires less soap to wash effectively. It can also extend clothing life, as washing in hard water can cause colors to become dull and faded.4

4. Clearer pipes

Certain minerals, such as calcium and magnesium may occur naturally in tap water.5 A water filtration system that removes such minerals can help extend plumbing life by preventing limescale buildup in pipes.

5. Extended appliance life

A water filtration system that includes a water softener can also extend the life of appliances and water heaters. Scale buildup, for example, can reduce the efficiency of a water heating system by as much as 50%.6

August is National Water Quality Month, dedicated to increasing awareness about the importance of clean water. It’s also an important reminder about the need for water treatment systems in some homes to provide safe drinking water – something that can also have a significant impact on property value.

Learn more about the key factors expected to drive growth in the water treatment industry this year in the Top 5 water treatment industry trends for 2024.

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